This is my favorite everyday healthy skincare product. I LOVE this moisturizer. I buy it in every size and every form I can. I use it on my face, on my elbows, on my legs, as a body lotion, etc. I keep FAB Ultra Repair Cream in multiple room in our home. I always travel with FAB Ultra repair cream and I also keep a small tube in my purse.
It’s incredibly calming and has just the right lotiony cream consistency.
Occasionally during the winter if I’m not bundled up enough I got chapped handles and knuckles and this ultra repair cream works well to calm, sooth and clear up the irritation quickly. If a friend ever recommends you try Aquaphor or Vaseline for chapped, cracked or dry skin, I would definitely recommend First Aid Beauty ultra repair cream or ultra repair concentrate instead.
While this may not have any direct benefits for the vitiligo and melasma on my face, it makes an excellent face moisturizer.
Products featured here:
- First Aid Beauty Ultra Repair Cream in multiple size – the all around best moisturizer
- First Aid Beauty Ultra Repair Lotion – just ok, not worth it
- First Aid Beauty Ultra Repair Concentrate – great to use on lips or very dry skin like elbows and knees. The consistency is thicker, less creamy (and difficult to describe 🙂 )
Picture of First Aid Beauty Ultra Repair Cream on the left and First Aid Beauty Ultra Repair Concentrate on the Right.
If you like Yu-Be skin cream, I think you will like First Aid Beauty Ultra Repair Cream better because it is less greasy (not at all!).
First Aid Beauty® Ultra Repair® Cream Review
Why this stuff is so good:
- FRAGRANCE-FREE. My favorite words
- No parabens!
- Not harsh chemicals
- No colorants
- Very hydrating but also absorbs well and quickly.
- It even says on its label it is safe for sensitive skin
- Allerged-tested
- Definitely relieves itching. I’ve never had to deal with eczema but I imagine it would work well!
- It’s got ceramides which I tend to love and collodal oatmeal which I find soothing
- It has an awesome rating on EWG Skindeep database
I can’t think of a negative for this product. The 2oz. tube is only $12 and well worth it! You can find it at most if not all Sephoras.
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