I caved. I bought a candle. Every time I go to my favorite restaurant they have this delicious smelling Rosy Rings kitchen candles, taunting me to smell them and take them home with me. (Reservations must be made at least a week in advance and you still have to wait about 10 minutes once you arrive for you reservation – so they have to give patrons something to do while they wait!)
I’ve generally banished most candles and scents from my home, but sometimes I just can’t resist.
I’m also anxiously waiting the opening of my friend Erika’s etsy store for her homemade natural soy wax candles and lip balms. I’ve been bumming candles off of her for years and I’m so excited soon everyone will be able to experience them. (Update: Erika’s candle store on etsy is now up and running!)
Most candles and scents are too overwhelming and nausea inducing. But sometimes, I can tolerate them. For example I still keep a Volupsa Moso Bamboo candle around, you know, for candle emergencies đŸ™‚ but I can’t handle their other scents, especially the once beloved french cade lavender scent.
Erika (I always ask her because her candles never bother me) says it’s due to the quality of candle fragrance or essential oils used.
It was a bold move to buy a lavender and lemon scented candle now since lavender generally gives me a headache now, but this Rosy Ring lavender and lemon kitchen candle is more lemon with a pinch of lavender. Rosy Rings describes them as hand poured natural wax candles with “essential and high quality fragrance oils”. This is the most perfect, fresh-picked, pleasant and comforting lemony scent ever!
The only store-bought candle I can tolerate right now: Rose Rings lavender and lemon botanical kitchen candle. You can barely smell the lavender (I like it that way).
I think I’ve found a trend in my favorite candles/candles I can tolerate: you can only smell them when you are within a few feet of them. And that’s OK with me. I din’t need intense fragrance permeating a few rooms or my entire home.
I can’t’ speak for the quality of all Rosy Rings candles but the other kitchen candles I smelled had a subtle, mild scent. Probably worth trying! I would stay away from the room sprays they sell though unless you thoroughly review the ingredients.
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